
The Dallas Preschool Readiness Project 

Ongoing longitudinal study funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Development.

Behavioral self-regulation is an important foundation of school readiness. Self-regulation skills are related to the practical skills needed for early school success, such as sitting still, following directions, and working independently.

Approximately 400 children and their families were recruited from the Dallas area for participation. Home visits were conducted when children were 2½ and 3½ years old, and during their Kindergarten and first grade years.

By initially assessing these children at such a young age, and by repeating these assessments over time, our goal is to examine how self-regulation skills emerge. We also desire to learn the trajectory of development for these skills and how individual differences are associated with measurable differences in academic skills.

In Spring of 2017, our team received funding to continue the assessment of our families into the middle school years. Read more about that here!